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              文章出處:中正雕塑???人氣: 130 ???發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-08-20 09:35:12


              Bronze Buddha statue is a common sculpture in temples. When people treat bronze Buddha statues, they always pay attention to the significance of the sculpture itself, but they have lost the original intention of treating faith.


              The significance of the bronze Buddha sculpture itself is not very great, and the feeling brought by the sculpture is not only large, high and beautiful. The true significance of bronze Buddha statues to people often lies in the piety of faith reflected by the bronze Buddha statues, which also reflects our understanding of Buddhist culture from the side.

              銅佛像表現的形式有很多,有站立著(zhù)的,有側臥著(zhù)的,也有坐著(zhù)的,其中表現較多的一般是坐在蓮臺上的形象。而這個(gè)形象正好也表現了佛陀對于我們祈禱耐心的聆聽(tīng),就好像我們跟好便宜傾述心事之時(shí),愿意聽(tīng)的總會(huì )坐下來(lái)側耳聆聽(tīng)一樣。

              There are many forms of bronze Buddha statues, some standing, some lying on one side, and some sitting. Among them, the image of sitting on the lotus platform is the most common one. This image also shows the Buddha's patience in listening to our prayers, just like when we talk about our thoughts with good friends, those who are willing to listen will always sit down and listen.


              Therefore, no matter what kind of bronze Buddha we are facing, we should pay more attention to the understanding of our own beliefs and cultivation, rather than just pay attention to the bronze Buddha itself.

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